Tone Tweq (pcb): A T-M-B tonestack pedal for tone shaping your end signal, or other specific pedals, as desired. I have an Orange Rockerverb 100, Sunn Enforcer, Sunn Beta Lead 2x12 combo, and 2 80s Peavey Butchers. Jessup Amps BT-02 (Sunn Model T clone) $ 2,200. Really proud I managed to fit this into such a tiny box… It sounds like a cranked Sunn Model T. TASCAM 302 Double Auto Reverse Cassette Deck. Bongzilla are just cranked OR-120s Weedeater is a Big Muff into a vintage Superlead Wino uses a Blue Beard into a vintage Sunn Model T I guess my point is, it doesn't matter, just turn it up and rock out. The rule is: the more stoner-y you want to get, the more "classic" your amp needs to be. The first model T was marketed as an amp that could suit both guitar and bass, a 150 Watt beast with four 6550 tubes, inspired by the Fender Bassman 5F6A amp. FWIW, there's actually very little in common between the Acapulco Gold and a RAT. This broadens the range of gain and-in the The Model feT is a transistor-based preamplifier designed around the legendary Sunn Model T amplifier. Single channel, 7 knob, 5 input, just like the original. Controls: Treble: Noon is flat, boost is clockwise from noon, cut is counter clockwise from noon. Plus, it sounds great with electric guitar or bass! Instead of using… During development of the Burning Sunn, Ground FX used an original Model T from 1973, tweaking the pedal circuit to replicate both the preamp and power amp tone of the original. The 600w and 900w Shuttle and streamliner- same amp with less controls- seem to be sub £300 with a … Champion City Effects.

I wasn’t quite ready to shell out $400 to a local seller for a TC preamp, but this box absolutely crushes! Channel 5 accesses the EarthQuaker Devices Acapulco Gold.

EQD Acapulco Gold clone (way smaller though!). You can also run this at 18v for more headroom, more volume, and a brighter sound. Dunlop Wha wha pedal – cry baby from hell.See 1 musician review, how 24 pros use it, and where to get a deal on Sunn Model T Amplifier Head, ranked #32 in Guitar Amplifier Heads and rated 5. The controls, although non-descriptive, are pretty easy to get: Volume, Gain Stage I (with more of…Click on the title for more This is the second custom amp, “CUSTOM UNIT 2”, which takes a wholly different approach than the first I posted yesterday.

A DOD 250 with clipping switch, which will be fed into the face of a Sunn Model T preamp. 4 x 6550s for a stupid huge 150 watts of power.